Magical Waterfall and Fish Pond

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Writing Assignment

                  Nowadays people from all walk of  life  particulary parents are worried and concerned regarding their childrens studies and attitudes. 90% of the parents complained that their children failed to decide the appopriate collegues or unversities that they wanted to futher their studies once they have completed their secondary studies.Students failed to decide a appopriate unversity to further their studies because they are lack of knowlegde regarding how to make a good selection of collegues and unversities.In order to make a good selection of unversities  before applying ,a student should consider few factors related to the choosen collegues or unversities such as the course offered,facilities provided and regarding the certificate that we would receive upon graduation is verified by the goverment or not.
             Talking about the course offered as one of important factor that we should take into our consideration before applying to that  particular collegues or unversities.We can make the best choice of cources by searching on the internet.It would be a plus point for us on which through it we does not only able to survey related the courses but we are also be able to find out the duration of the  particular course,fee,accomodation and more related the course offered by the particular collegues or unversities.By this we able to make the best choice  of  course and we also able to find out either we are eligible for the particular course or not.
Besides searching on the course offered students also have to take into consideration regarding the adequate facilities provided by the particular collegues or unversities for the students.In this case parents play a major role once their children choose a collegues or unversities,parennts have to survey throughly wheter the particular collegues or unversities provide proper house and avilability of other facilitesb such as food stalls,glocery shop surrrounding the students hostel .This is because some of the big collegues or unversities in urban areas tends to cheat the parents and students by showing the better side of their institution,hostels and facilites that they provide.Thus proper survey regarding the facilities is very important in order to prevent the students from suffering.
         Other than giving important consideration to the course offered,adequate facilities provided we should ensure the certificate that we receive upon graduation is verifield by the goverment.This is very important in order to feel secure about the future upon graduation .As stated recently in the newspaper few big collegues inthe urban areas failed to gat verification from goverments because their collegues is not fully recognized by others,no adequate learning facilities,not talented lecturer and more.Thus student who was futhering their studies in that particular collegues have to stop course.It is not only wasting up ample of money even the precious time.Besides that,if you graduation certificate is not verifield by the goverment sector chances of getting job is really low and you might have to repeat the same course in other collegues or unversities.
            Thus,this are the few factors that we as a students have to a take into consideration before furthering our studies.We also have to ensure that the collegues or unversities conduct thier courses in English.Because of the global importantance of  English a graduate from an English language based course would have a better future.

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