Magical Waterfall and Fish Pond

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Poem For Nurses

          Hearts of Gold 
          Sherry York
          There are times in our lives when we sit down and wonder where our lives will lead us.
          Sometimes we get so caught up in our jobs that we forget what we truly represent.
          We get frustrated, aggravated, pushed to the limits and so mentally tired that we feel what is the use in being a Nurse.
          But then someone gives us a weak smile or holds our hand and may say "thank you, you are so special."
          The we feel the warmth growing in our hearts.
          All the bad feelings disappear and replaced by the core values that we present:
             human dignity, compassion, dedication, integrity, stewardship, leadership and excellence.
          So when the bad feelins begin to show take the times to say this prayer:
              Lord, help me to bring comfort where there is pain.
              Courage where there is despair.
              Acceptance when the end is near.
          A touch gentle with tenderness, patience, and love.
          And, always remember, all Nurses are truly blessed.
          For you see --- God gave of Hearts of Gold.
          Why Do I do This? 
          Ashley Lipscomb, Student NyrseWhy do I study all hours of the night? Why do I put up such  a fight? I do it because one day I will celebrate new baby born. And, one day help a family mourn. It makes me have courage and determination. It teaches me how to handle my  dissatisfaction. Some people will curse or bless you. But every day they will teach you something new. That is why I study all nght. And, why I put us such a fight. Because one day, a Nurse I will be. To help people like you and me. 
          Nurse Submitted by Paul Nickerson - 
          Paul is not a Nurse, but his Mother , now retired, was for many years. Paul found this poem tucked away in a small photo album belonging to his mother. It was a game we all played as a child Then some of us made it a dream worthwhile More to learn, not as much time to share Because in our hearts we really cared We have worked the late night hours While others slept away Handles a doctor's many moods Then found time to pray Critical moments that remain as memories Some sad - then some are good Then there are the tragedies That will never be understood We see a newborn baby smile As we watch another slip away And that completes the circle The price for life's that paid Sometimes not appreciated When just a hug will do We are proud of our profession A guift from me to you 
          Another Goodbye By Jennifer Huff, 
          LPN I said goodbye to you today. In my own quiet way. A hidden tear was shed. Tribute to the life you led. Empty chair, an unspoken reminder of you. Too soon to be filled by a patient so new. Numb to the pain of so many goodbyes. Sorrow hidden, secretly brushing tears from my eyes. You joined the others who paved the way for you. The leader, the song-man, the fiesty one, too. The one who decided that he'd just had enough. Saying farewell to you all has been so tough. I like to imagine you are all gathered up there. Playing poker, having feasts, so many stories to share. No more restrictions on fluid and food. No longer chained to disease, it is as it should. Those of us left behind, keep your memory alive. Working hard every day to help others survive. Chair no longer empty, a new soul to tend. Hidden tears suppressed. A new beginning to the end. 
          The Cute Little Lady in The Pink Sweater By Dawn Maselli, 
          RN They can take my meal away before I'm done They can talk to me like I'm dumb They can refer to me as a "Feeder" Fluff me up to make me look neater They talk about me like I'm not Here They address me as "honey" "cutie and "dear". But there are things they can't do to me As they insult my dignity Oh there are things they can't do to me They can't take away my memories My Roles through this life cement my presence With withered mind they call senescence I am rich in culture, wisdom and knowledge That medical people can't learn in college I am a mother, a sister, a historian, a wife I have mastered many roles throughout my life I created warm meals in my day I wiped my children's tears away I cared for a close knit family Who look up to and value me And now I master another role Dependent patient with golden soul If just one of "them" would sit with me I'd share with them this history And if one would stay awhile I'd teach them that I'm still God's child. They are so busy this I know I have aged and have gotten slow This I must share in written word I may not be seen but I will be heard They say I'm anxious, noisy and loud This life has taught me not to be too proud I am too many things to capture in a letter I am so much more than the lady in the pink sweater If you've  listened from the start I may help you find your heart.
          Assignment By Kim Jordan 
          RN I have nine patients, you are but one I will walk five miles before I am done Tiptoeing in and out of the rooms Darkened and quiet like silent tombs I try not to wake you, for there is no time When trying to divide eight hours by nine. 
          It is my duty Dawn Butler, RN (Pennsylvania)
          I walk through those doors with pride,  Who's life will i save tonight? Someone is waiting for me, Someone is alive today because of my duty. Sometimes we cry cause we can't save them all,  God sometimes won't let us interfere when he calls. A baby's first breath when he looks at me, The joy of my first delivery. The tear i wipe a way with my own hands,  The life ending of a gentle old man. The night seems so dark and the morning so bright. Being a nurse you see life in a different light. Who will i save tonight? Who will hold my hand during their last breath with no fright? Who will enter this world on my shift? How many mothers will greet their babies with a kiss?  I don't know who these special people are but i will meet them with every call I will hold them tight and help the pain I will hold them up when they feel faint. I will be strong when i am needed That is my job, I am a nurse..that is my duty.  
          Lily of The Valley By Paul Lawrence Dunbar. 
          At the time this was written, the Miami Valley Hospital School of Nursing
          flower was the Lily-of-theValley and Paul Lawrence Dunbar has just been
          a patient at the hospital. This was his tribute to the students. Sweetest of the flowers a blooming In the fragrant vernal days, Is the Lily-of-the-Valley With its soft retiring ways. Well, you chose this humble blossom, As the Nurse's emblem flower Who grows more like her idea Every day and every hour Like the Lily-of-the-Valley In her honesty and worth  - Oh! She blooms in truth and virtue In the humble works of earth. Though she stands erect in honor When the heart of mankind bleeds, Still she hides her own deserving In the beauty of her deeds. In the silence and the darkness, When no eye may see or know, There her footsteps shod with mercy and fleet kindness, come and go. Not amid the sound of plaudits, Not before the garish day; Does she shed her soul's sweet perfume, Does she take her gentle way.  But alike her ideal flower, With its honey-laden breath; Still her heart blooms forth its beauty In the valley shades of death.
          Assignment By Kim Jordan, 
          RN I have nine patients, you are but one I will walk five miles before I am done Tiptoeing in and out of the rooms Darkened and quiet like silent tombs I try not to wake you, for there is no time When trying to divide eight hours by nine. 
          Look Closer - A Nurse's Reply Liz Hogben 
          This was sent in by Mrs B Boyle.  I came across this poem, when my mother was in the nursing home it was place in the rooms there,  believe it's a reply to the poem, "A Young Girl Still Dwells"
What do we, you ask, what do we see ?
Yes, we are thinking when looking at thee!
We may seem to be hard when we hurry and fuss,
But there's many of you and too few of us.
We would like far more time to sit by you and talk,
To bath you and feed you and help you to walk,
To hear of your lives and the things you have done;
Your childhood, your husband, your daughter, your son,
But time is against us, there's too much to do-
Patients too many and nurses too few.
We grieve when we see you so sad and alone,
With nobody near you, no friends of your own.
We feel all your pain, and know of your fear
That nobody cares now your end is so near.

But nurses are people with feelings as well,
And when we're together, you'll often hear tell
Of the dearest old Gran in the very end bed,
And the lovely old Dad, and the things that he said,
We speak with compassion and love, and feel sad
When we think of yours and the joy that you've had.
When the time has arrived for you to depart,
You leave us behind with an ache in our heart.

When you sleep the long sleep, no more worry or care,
There are other old people, and we mist be there.
So please understand if we hurry and fuss--
There are many of you and too few of us.

I Gave My First Injection Today 

Sent in by

I gave my first injection today,
now wait before you get bored and want to walk away
its been a long road to get where I'm at,
15 years to be precise now what do you think of that?

This has been my life's dream to take care of the sick and work with a team of caring professionals with all the same goal of ridding aches and pains and doing work that's not in vain.
So maybe now I have your attention so I can tell you my story  and you possibly won't find it so boring
I gave my first injection today
and my patient didn't flinch
she said she didn't feel a thing.
What a wonderful compliment that she gave to me
"a wonderful nurse you are going to be". 

I also passed meds and cleaned lots of wounds and held alot of hands before I walked from the rooms.
You wonder how can I be so happy in all this misery?
you see I guess I see it different than the average Joe,
before you think I am crazy just let me explain.

If I can ease just one pain or dry just one eye or offer just one daughter some comfort when she finds out her mother has just died.
I have accomplished my task and have been successful in my goals
to have offered a hand when life has taken its tolls.

See I have been truly blessed to have touched these lives and pray I never find it boring or bothersome to do the meaningless of task.
Even when the most trying of patients call and ask.
My goal is to answer every time with a smile
and ask for forgiveness when I can't
after I have gone mile after mile. 

Have I told you yet I gave my first injection today.
I am a student nurse and for dedication I pray.

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